
Sustainability at Eckerts Wirtshaus

Because it is good and does you good!

Sustainability is an important goal for us. We have a lot planned and have already achieved a lot: starting with the interior design of Eckerts, using solid oak wood from the Steigerwald in connection with limestone from the Franconian Jura, to sustainable energy generation from the underground hydroelectric power plant directly below us, to the selection of food and drinks , which mainly come from local and regional partners and suppliers.

Become sustainable at all levels

We want to become better in terms of resource consumption, environmental protection, CO2 consumption, energy consumption and other areas.

We are working on it in close consultation with our suppliers and are happy if suggestions come from outside. Our team leaders also look responsibly into their areas in order to improve in detail. We would be delighted if you would accompany us along this path with an interest and openness to change.

Further measures for more sustainability at Eckerts Restaurant

There's a lot more to do!

We know that all this is not enough. On the contrary - we would like to try even harder and are happy when our guests actively support us and use sustainable offers, e.g. our reusable system from Vytal, which with app and QR code not only helps to avoid waste, but also is practical and easy to use.